Sunday, March 4, 2007


New mountain cabin opened

"Bergen Turlag" is the name of a lokal member association for mountain hikers, a part of The Norwegian Trekking Association - DNT- Norway's biggest outdoor activities organisation.

It's said that the organisation maintain the world's most extensive cross-country skiing track networks. You can hike or ski in comfort, as there are more than 430 cabins in the networks across the country. Today we are heading for a new cabin opened by Bergen Turlag last month.
We start from a narrow road between Dale and Voss at about 580 m level.

A bridge has been built so hikers can cross the river in summer. Today we can trust the ice. The snow is very suitable for skiing, but the sun is hidden behind clouds. The track was waymarked last week, so it's easy to find the right way. We have passed the border of a lake and move upwards through the sparsely mountain forest.

The distance to the cabin is about 7 km. People are moving to and from, following the waymarks. At a distance they look very small, but after a few minutes we meet and new skiers appear in the track.

In winter the track has to be signed with poles. In summer the painted "T" on a stone show the pathway as seen in the right corner of the picture.

After one and a half hour the cabin can be seen some hundred meters away. A group of people have stayed here from last night, but most of us only have a daytrip to find the location.

There is room for 30 people to sleep inside. And there seems to be plenty of wood, so boots and wet clothes can be dryed. Dinner can be made on gaz in the kitchen corner, but I suppose that the wood oven under drying clothes also is used for cooking if nesessary.

"Vending" is the name of the cabin, located by a small lake with the same name at 820 m level. Near the cabin is built a smaller cabin for safety and supplementary use.

You should come and enjoy a trip in this mountain area.

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